
In the sacrament of Reconciliation God's love for us is experienced through the gift of his forgiveness of our sins. By his grace we are renewed and strengthened in our commitment to live as Christ has taught us.

The sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the sacraments of healing celebrated by the Church. This calls to mind the ministry of Jesus where healing miracles are often accompanied by the forgiveness of sins. Sin offends God, who is love, and damages both our own human dignity as children of God, and our relationships with those around us. Through the confession and forgiveness of sins we are reconciled to God and to the community of the Church, and we are renewed in our striving to live faithfully the Christian life. Reconciliation is thus a personal encounter in humility with the love and mercy of God, admitting our weaknesses but trusting in the Lord's help in order to overcome them.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally available on Saturdays after 10:00am & 6.00pm Masses. Check the Newsletter for any changes. If you would like to celebrate the sacrament at other times, please ring one of the priests (01483 760652) or see details of our parish celebrations (four times per year) in the newsletter.